Attention to this principle calls for being fully in the present. Multi-tasking is the enemy.
I have long held that it is an asset and a skill to be a multi-tasker, little realizing how much I lost from life's rich experiences as I failed to honour people with my full attention.
Being an apprentice to this new realization and life-lesson, I should start by apologizing to a few critical people:
1. My children - cursed by a mother who is one of the world's great multi-taskers they were often short-changed with my time.
2. My dog - I could have given so much more to the walkies if I hadn't always had to make them about something else - as well as the one, single pleasure of just walking in the fresh air.
3. All the friends who needed me to just listen and not to be in solution-mode.
As the greatest gift I can give is the gift of my time, I feel like I short-changed a lot of people. More work-in-progress for me!
I have long held that it is an asset and a skill to be a multi-tasker, little realizing how much I lost from life's rich experiences as I failed to honour people with my full attention.
Being an apprentice to this new realization and life-lesson, I should start by apologizing to a few critical people:
1. My children - cursed by a mother who is one of the world's great multi-taskers they were often short-changed with my time.
2. My dog - I could have given so much more to the walkies if I hadn't always had to make them about something else - as well as the one, single pleasure of just walking in the fresh air.
3. All the friends who needed me to just listen and not to be in solution-mode.
As the greatest gift I can give is the gift of my time, I feel like I short-changed a lot of people. More work-in-progress for me!