Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Life's too short ... to carry a grudge.

To understand the scale of this understanding for me, you need to know that I am a Scot and we can carry a grudge for centuries - through multiple generations. We can still feel the pain of getting ripped off by the Act of Union with England in the 17th century for goodness sake. And so letting go is genetically hard for me but it needs to be done. Breathe in, breathe out and let it go.

Getting eaten up by anger and bitterness does nothing for the soul or the complexion. That cortisol hormone does terrible damage to a body that does not need any more stress - trust me and my multiple frown-lines on this one. On a more global and less self-centered level, the world really doesn't need even one more angry bitter person looking for ways to get back at something - anything. Breath in, breath out and let it go.

Work with me on this role-play. Go to the mirror - first smile and then look angry. Which version of you do you want to hang out with? Breath in, breath out and let it go.

1 comment:

  1. Ohmmm. Breathing in, breathing out...little mini-minor athorities, I forgive you....sort of...soon...any minute now. You are wise, Betty. I really should let this go. Thanks for the reminder.
